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Monsignor John Esseff served as a retreat director and confessor to Saint Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. Monsignor Esseff encountered Saint Padre Pio who became Spiritual Father to him.
Scranton, Pennsylvania
“Since you have been baptized as a Catholic, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Actually, Jesus dwells in you. In each Catholic Church, a sanctuary lamp burns by which we recognize that the Body and Blood of Jesus is present. I believe that the Catholic church a great and wonderful service to its people by having those red lamps in every church to identify Christ’s presence in the Body and Blood of the Eucharist. I also believe that as Catholics and Catholic priests, we have done a poor job in teaching that Christ is present in our heart’s virtue of our baptisms. I would love to endorse and thank and congratulate Ingrid for her work in helping all Catholics become more aware that Christ is present in every Catholic home. I hope this sanctuary candle will be a living reminder of the truth that Christ is in your home because you are a Temple of God. Please keep it burning brightly by all of your actions each day.”
A priest of the Diocese of Arlington, currently serving as a United States Military Service Priest,
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Eternally begotten of the Father, the Word of God dwelt among us. Accomplishing the will of His Father, our Lord established His Church and promised to remain with Her. Truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, our Savior happily resides in souls who receive Him worthily. This is God's constant plan for each one of us Fully alive, animated by sanctifying grace - and the Living Tabernacle votive candle is a visual reminder of this! Praise God for His inspiration to you!
Priest, Retired U.S. Navy Chaplain and Captain
Monsignor Elkin was awarded the designation of Chaplain of His Holiness Pope John Paul II with the title of “Monsignor.”
Virginia Beach, Virginia
“FOCUS on the FLAME in the Sanctuary Light.
It is the HEART of CHRIST on FIRE with LOVE for YOU.”
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